Struggling to align with your team?

Nov 20, 2020

When teams start to work completely remote, the struggle to align has the biggest impact on performance. Our team has been working with collaboration tooling for many years, and we also struggled in the beginning (and sometimes we still do). Here are a few of our tips:

  1. Plan a daily stand up, just 15 minutes each morning, to discuss what you’re working on that day and if you need any help from your team members
  2. Work with a buddy, someone that you can bounce ideas off and share your work with
  3. Set deadlines with your team and hold each other accountable for meeting these deadlines
  4. Work out loud: be open about what you’re working on and track your progress by sharing and collaborating in working documents
  5. Plan regular social check-in meetings. Just having an online coffee or lunch together does wonders!

OrangeTrail assists teams in effectively working remotely, either completely or in a hybrid form where part of the team is back in the office. We focus on running effective online meetings, planning, and speeding up the decision-making process.

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Bringing radical digital collaboration to create a work environment where everybody is smarter together